Contenidos basicos
Armado de oraciones (concordancia
sujeto-verbo /articulos)
Frases basicas
Utilizacion de tiempos verbales
(presente simple y continuo, pasado simple y continuo, futuro simple y going
Condicional 1
Vocabulario básico
Armado de oraciones
En el Ingles
las oraciones SIEMPRE tienen un sujeto, alguien o algo que realiza la acción.
Susan goes
to school
realiza la acción de ir
Los nombres
de las personas pueden ser reemplazadas por pronombres
She goes to school
Los pronombres son
Esta grupo
recebe un tratamiento especial en muchos casos se los llama 3ra persona porque
no es la persona que habla ni la que escucha, es una “tercera” persona. (ver
punto 3)
oraciones Siempre tienen una persona que realiza la acción (sujeto) y la acción
que realiza
Para completar
el sentido de la oración se le agrega un complemento
Para negar,
obviamente se incluye el NO, pero NUNCA solo dentro de la oración, siempre va r
junto a un auxiliar o verbo (ver punto 3)
Si quiero
preguntar, DEBO invertir el orden de las palabras, el signo de interrogación no
se usa al comienzo de la oración, por lo
que DEBO cambiar el orden de las palabras o utilizar los auxiliares, según el
caso (ver punto 3)
Articulos: A/an – the
• Usamos a o an cuando es la primera vez que
hablamos de un objeto:
had an apple in his bag.
had a very nice dog.
• Sin embargo, si los oyentes saben a que
nos referimos usamos el articulo determinado:
left the books on the table, and the apples in the fridge.
• Asumimos que los que nos escuchan saben a que
libros y manzanas nos referimos:
Otros ejemplos:
was a boy holding hands with a girl in the park. The boy had short dark hair,
and the girl had long fair hair.
I saw a play last night. The play was about a man
who loved a woman but the
didn't love the man.
are a carpet and a lamp in this room. The carpet is new but the lamp is old.
2. Usamos the cuando esta clara la situation
de la persona o cosa a que nos referimos:
The doctor came this morning to see Grandpa,
(su medico de cabecera)
The light was on all night, (la luz de esta habitation)
bank opens at nine, (este banco en particular)
I took the train at the station, (este tren en
particular en la estacion de esta ciudad):
the police
the post office, etc.
3. Usamos a/an cuando nuestro interlocutor
no sabe a que nos referimos:
am looking for a book, (no nos dice que libro)
bought a car. (no
sabemos que coche)
sat on a chair, (no sabemos cual)
stayed at a nice hotel in Benidorm.
had a meal in a restaurant.
4. Usamos el artfculo the con radio,
cinema, theatre... tambien con sun, earth, moon,
universe, etc:
often listen to the radio.
never go to the theatre.
spaceship is going to the moon.
earth goes round the sun.
5. No solemos usar el artfculo the con las
time is dinner?
are you going to have for breakfast?
we going to have lunch?
usamos the con watch, television:
never watches television.
always watch the news on TV.
1. Conteste estas preguntas
segun el ejemplo.
"Was it a good restaurant?" "Yes, it was the best
restaurant in town."
"Is it expensive picture?" "Yes, it is most expensive in the
"Was it long trip?" "Yes, it is longest trip I have ever made.
"Was it large house?" "Yes, it was largest house in the
"Is she beautiful girl?" "Yes, she is most beautiful girl in
"Was it good hotel?" "Yes, it was best hotel in London."
2. En este ejercicio hay
que poner a/an o the. Si no hacen falta, ponga un guion.
She always goes to the best restaurant in town.
spends the afternoon watching — television.
had a nice meal in a good restaurant.
He lives in small village in country.
I don't like going to theatre, I prefer going to cinema.
After dinner they went for walk.
I don't like watching television in mornings.
Malta is island in the Mediterranean. capital is Valetta.
She wrote her name at top of page, on right.
It is nice day. sun is shining in sky.
Where did you see film, on television or at cinema?
"Have you got radio?" "No, I don't like listening to
The U.S.A. was first country to send a man to moon.
had big breakfast and I'm not hungry now.
What is longest river in world?
Why don't you invite your boyfriend to dinner?
He is a seaman. He spends most of his life at sea.
When I was a boy I used to live near sea.
3. Estas son algunas de las
cosas que hizo ayer. Escriba una frase para cada una de ellas.
8.30 breakfast 9.00-9.30 radio 10.00-12.00 walk/sea
1.00 lunch 3.00-4.30 television
7.00 dinner 8.00-10.30 cinema
I had breakfast at half past eight.
From 9.00 until 9.30 I listened .
From 10.00 till 12.00 I was walking by .
At 1.00 I .
From 3.00-to 4.30 .
At 7.00 .
6. From
2- Frases basicas

Rellene las frases con el saludo apropiado.
How are you? Very well, thank you.
"This is Mr Jones." "How __________you do, Mr Jones?"
At breakfast: "Good ___________boys."
,___________ John. How are you?
Hello, Peter. I_________ fine, and how are ___________?
It is 3 o'clock. Good_____________
Good ______________, Mr Johnson. It is 7pm.
I am going home, ____________________.
It is 11 p.m. "Are you going home, Mr Jones?" "Yes,_________________
There is - there are
• En ingles, el presente del verbo
impersonal "haber", es decir, "hay", tiene dos
formas: there is, cuando la frase es singular; there are cuando
la frases es plural:
is a man.
is a woman.
is a sandwich.
• There is se puede contraer a There's
siempre que la frase continue:
a tall man in the sitting-room.
a little dog in the garden.
• Pero no se puede contraer cuando la frase
termina ahi
there a dog? Yes, there is.
• Por regla general, usamos esta estructura cuando
nos referimos a algo que no conocemos todavia:
• En forma interrogativa se cambia el orden.
Is there?
• La negacion se pone en tercer lugar.
is not.
de frases en singular
there any tea in the teapot?" "Yes, there
there anybody in the house?" "No, there
is not" (isn't)
there any water in the glass?" "Yes, there
there any time?" "No, there is not!"
• Usamos there are cuando la frase es
are many houses in this street.
are some children playing in the park.
• En la forma interrogativa se cambia el
there many flowers in this park?
there any glasses in the kitchen?
• En cuanto a la forma negativa, la negacion
se pone en tercer lugar:
are not many people at the concert today.
are not many things to do in this place.
Ejemplos de frases en plural
there many trees in the park?"
there are."
there any lamps on the wall?" "Yes, there
there many cats in the house?"
there are not." (aren't)
there any glasses on the table?"
there are not." (aren't)
1. En este ejercicio tiene que poner there is o there are.
Example: There is a man in the room. There are two women in the garden.
1. Robert, there __________much coffee in the coffee-pot? No, there_______very much. I'm going to make some.
2. There _________a lot of grass in this garden, but there_____________ much in Mr Brown's garden.
3. "Constable James, there________ much traffic today along Elm Avenue?" "Yes, there _____________many cars using this road today."
4. In my school there__________ many teachers. There ___________also many classrooms. However, there few students.
5. There_________ something I want to do today.
6. There_________ a group of girls talking in the playground.
7. There_________ many boys playing football.
8. "_________ there many girls in your class?" "There_________ only one girl."
9. __________there many people at the concert today?
10. "Do we have much time?" "No, there_________ any time left, I'm afraid."
2. En este ejercicio hay que poner there's siempre que se pueda.
Example: There's a lot of water in the jar
1. ______________a lot of whisky in the bottle.
2. ______________any tea in the tea-pot? Yes,
3. Let's go Peter, _____________a lot of noise in this place. I don't like it.
4. " ___________many chairs in the dining-room?" "Yes, ."
5. "___________ time to play another game?" "Yes, plenty of time."
6. " ______________any windows open?"" only one window, and it's closed."
7. " _______________any free time left?" "Yes, ."
3. Ahora va a poner las frases siguientes en plural.
Example: There is a man. There are two men.
1. There"s a tall woman.
2. There"s a big house.
3. Is there a telephone in this place?
4. There is not a good country road.
5. There is a hill over there.
6. Is there a good magazine?
7. There is not a good restaurant in this town.
8. Is there a window in this room?
9. There is a big tree in this street.
Possessives: possessive ('s) and (')
• Cuando un ser viviente (persona o animal) posee algo, se usa lo que se llama el genitive sajon o caso posesivo:
La manzana de Pedro (the apple of Peter) se convierte en: Peter's apple.
A) Primero se traduce el poseedor: Peter,
B) despues la preposicion de bajo el aspecto de's,
C) por ultimo la cosa posefda sin artfculo: apple.
The house of Mary. se convierte en - Mary's house.
- The legs of the dog. se convierte en - The dog's legs.
- The kitchen of my mother. se convierte en - My mother's kitchen.
This is Mary's house and that one is Jane's, (la de Jane)
The dog's legs are black, and the cat's are white, (las del gato)
I Recuerde
* Si el poseedor es plural y termina en s, se añade solamente el apostrofo:
The apples of the girls. se convierte en * The girls' apples.
The house of the boys. se convierte en The boys' house.
The legs of the cats. se convierte en • The cats' legs.
The hobby of those families. se convierte en - Those families' hobby.
• Sin embargo, en caso de nombres propios o apellidos que terminen es s hay dos opciones:
I live in St. James's Square; St James' Square.
The Jones's dog is very noisy; - The Jones' dog.
That is the Evans's house, on the corner; the Evans' house.
• Si son extranjeros o clasicos, solo se anade el apostrofo:
Cervantes' works are interesting.
This is Pythagoras' Theorem.
• Con nombres compuestos o largos el apostrofo se pone al final:
My brother-in-law's guitar.
The Prince of Wales's country house.
• Tambien se puede poner 's despues de iniciales:
The MP's secretary.
The VIP's bodyguard.
• Con expresiones de tiempo tambien es admisibl el uso del genitive sajon:
today's paper
a month's holiday
tomorrow's weather
twenty minutes' break o two hours'delay o in two months' time
• Es muy corriente usar el genitivo sajon con tiendas (la palabra shop se sobreentiende):
My wife is at the hairdresser's.
Is there a butcher's near here?
• Tambien hospitales, iglesias, catedrales y firmas comerciales se escriben con's:
Barclays' (bank)
St. John's (College)
St. Paul's (Cathedral)
• Cuando hablamos con algun conocido a veces omitimos la palabra house:
We are going to Peter's.
She's staying at the Brown's.
1. En este ejercicio tiene que poner there is o there are.
Example: There is a man in the room. There are two women in the garden.
1. Robert, there __________much coffee in the coffee-pot? No, there_______very much. I'm going to make some.
2. There _________a lot of grass in this garden, but there_____________ much in Mr Brown's garden.
3. "Constable James, there________ much traffic today along Elm Avenue?" "Yes, there _____________many cars using this road today."
4. In my school there__________ many teachers. There ___________also many classrooms. However, there few students.
5. There_________ something I want to do today.
6. There_________ a group of girls talking in the playground.
7. There_________ many boys playing football.
8. "_________ there many girls in your class?" "There_________ only one girl."
9. __________there many people at the concert today?
10. "Do we have much time?" "No, there_________ any time left, I'm afraid."
2. En este ejercicio hay que poner there's siempre que se pueda.
Example: There's a lot of water in the jar
1. ______________a lot of whisky in the bottle.
2. ______________any tea in the tea-pot? Yes,
3. Let's go Peter, _____________a lot of noise in this place. I don't like it.
4. " ___________many chairs in the dining-room?" "Yes, ."
5. "___________ time to play another game?" "Yes, plenty of time."
6. " ______________any windows open?"" only one window, and it's closed."
7. " _______________any free time left?" "Yes, ."
3. Ahora va a poner las frases siguientes en plural.
Example: There is a man. There are two men.
1. There"s a tall woman.
2. There"s a big house.
3. Is there a telephone in this place?
4. There is not a good country road.
5. There is a hill over there.
6. Is there a good magazine?
7. There is not a good restaurant in this town.
8. Is there a window in this room?
9. There is a big tree in this street.
Possessives: possessive ('s) and (')
• Cuando un ser viviente (persona o animal) posee algo, se usa lo que se llama el genitive sajon o caso posesivo:
La manzana de Pedro (the apple of Peter) se convierte en: Peter's apple.
A) Primero se traduce el poseedor: Peter,
B) despues la preposicion de bajo el aspecto de's,
C) por ultimo la cosa posefda sin artfculo: apple.
The house of Mary. se convierte en - Mary's house.
- The legs of the dog. se convierte en - The dog's legs.
- The kitchen of my mother. se convierte en - My mother's kitchen.
This is Mary's house and that one is Jane's, (la de Jane)
The dog's legs are black, and the cat's are white, (las del gato)
I Recuerde
* Si el poseedor es plural y termina en s, se añade solamente el apostrofo:
The apples of the girls. se convierte en * The girls' apples.
The house of the boys. se convierte en The boys' house.
The legs of the cats. se convierte en • The cats' legs.
The hobby of those families. se convierte en - Those families' hobby.
• Sin embargo, en caso de nombres propios o apellidos que terminen es s hay dos opciones:
I live in St. James's Square; St James' Square.
The Jones's dog is very noisy; - The Jones' dog.
That is the Evans's house, on the corner; the Evans' house.
• Si son extranjeros o clasicos, solo se anade el apostrofo:
Cervantes' works are interesting.
This is Pythagoras' Theorem.
• Con nombres compuestos o largos el apostrofo se pone al final:
My brother-in-law's guitar.
The Prince of Wales's country house.
• Tambien se puede poner 's despues de iniciales:
The MP's secretary.
The VIP's bodyguard.
• Con expresiones de tiempo tambien es admisibl el uso del genitive sajon:
today's paper
a month's holiday
tomorrow's weather
twenty minutes' break o two hours'delay o in two months' time
• Es muy corriente usar el genitivo sajon con tiendas (la palabra shop se sobreentiende):
My wife is at the hairdresser's.
Is there a butcher's near here?
• Tambien hospitales, iglesias, catedrales y firmas comerciales se escriben con's:
Barclays' (bank)
St. John's (College)
St. Paul's (Cathedral)
• Cuando hablamos con algun conocido a veces omitimos la palabra house:
We are going to Peter's.
She's staying at the Brown's.
1. En este ejercicio hay que unir dos sustantivos. A veces hay que usar el apostrofo, con o sin s, otras veces la preposition of.
Examples: The window / the room / The window of the room
The mother / Peter / Peter's mother
1. The house / Tom
2. The eyes / the dog
3. The door/ the room
4. The name / this town
5. The name / my husband
6. The toys / the children
7. The newspaper / today
8. The daughter / Bernard
9. The country house / my uncle and aunt
10. The birthday / my father
2. Lea la frase y escriba otra usando el genitivo sajon.
Example: The room of the children is upstairs.
The children's room is upstairs.
1. The house of Mr and Mrs Carter is new.
2. The tail of our cat is black and white.
3. The husband of my friend is very tall
4.1 received the letter of Uncle George last night
5. The mother of my cousin is my aunt.
6. The head of that bird is black.
7. The friends of my sister are very pretty.
8.1 didn't see the wife of your brother last night.
3. Ahora vamos a usar el genitivo sajon con expresiones de tiempo, medida, distancia, peso; con tiendas, etc.
Example: The weather / yesterday / was very good
Yesterday's weather was very good.
1. The coference / last year / was terrible
2. The house is / two hours / walk / from here
3. How heavy is it? About two pounds / weight
4. This river is / 20 miles / long
5. They went to the Hospital of St. Peter.
6. We went to visit the Cathedral of St. Paul.
7. We went to the shop of Woolworth to do some shopping.
Examples: The window / the room / The window of the room
The mother / Peter / Peter's mother
1. The house / Tom
2. The eyes / the dog
3. The door/ the room
4. The name / this town
5. The name / my husband
6. The toys / the children
7. The newspaper / today
8. The daughter / Bernard
9. The country house / my uncle and aunt
10. The birthday / my father
2. Lea la frase y escriba otra usando el genitivo sajon.
Example: The room of the children is upstairs.
The children's room is upstairs.
1. The house of Mr and Mrs Carter is new.
2. The tail of our cat is black and white.
3. The husband of my friend is very tall
4.1 received the letter of Uncle George last night
5. The mother of my cousin is my aunt.
6. The head of that bird is black.
7. The friends of my sister are very pretty.
8.1 didn't see the wife of your brother last night.
3. Ahora vamos a usar el genitivo sajon con expresiones de tiempo, medida, distancia, peso; con tiendas, etc.
Example: The weather / yesterday / was very good
Yesterday's weather was very good.
1. The coference / last year / was terrible
2. The house is / two hours / walk / from here
3. How heavy is it? About two pounds / weight
4. This river is / 20 miles / long
5. They went to the Hospital of St. Peter.
6. We went to visit the Cathedral of St. Paul.
7. We went to the shop of Woolworth to do some shopping.
Tiempos verbales
El tiempo
presente simple me sirve para hablar de acciones rutinarias, cosas que se
realizan cotidianamente. Dentro del presente encontramos dos grupos:
A- BE – CAN – HAVE (poseer)
B- Todos los otros verbos
The present of Be
I am/I'm
You are/you're
He is/he's
She is/she's
It is/it's
We are/we're
You are/you're
They are/they're
I am not/I'm not
You are not/you're not/you aren't
He is not/he's not/he isn't
She is not/she's not/she isn't
It is not/it's not/it isn't
We are not/we're not/we aren't
You are not/you're not/you aren't
They are not/they're not/they aren't
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
The present of Be
I am/I'm
You are/you're
He is/he's
She is/she's
It is/it's
We are/we're
You are/you're
They are/they're
I am not/I'm not
You are not/you're not/you aren't
He is not/he's not/he isn't
She is not/she's not/she isn't
It is not/it's not/it isn't
We are not/we're not/we aren't
You are not/you're not/you aren't
They are not/they're not/they aren't
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
1. En este ejercicio hay
que poner el verbo be en la forma correcta.
The house is very nice, It is a nice house.
boys are tall. They are tall boys
This dog ____white. It _________a white dog.
The houses _________green. They __________green houses.
3. __________these
books interesting? Yes, they__________ interesting books.
Mr Brown_________ tall. He_________ a very tall man.
The tables___________ not small. They___________ very big tables.
6. ___________the
gardens nice? Yes, they______________ very nice gardens.
The door __________big. It___________ a very big door.
8. _________the
house very big? No, it ___________not very big.
What __________those people doing?
The dog __________eating the meat.
The dog and the cat___________ in the garden.
" ___________David and Jane in the sitting-room?" "No, they__________
in the kitchen."
"Boys, where_________ you?" "We__________ in the garden."
3. Escriba estas frases con
el verbo contraido.
You are a man. You're a man.
They are here.____________________ here.
They are not here. __________here.
She is not a girl. __________a girl.
4. You are not at home._____________at
Present of Can
• Can es un verbo defective.
1. El infinitive del verbo poder es to be
long to be able to live in freedom.
2. Can solamente se usa para el presente de indicative:
can do it alone.
I can go tonight.
3. No anade una s en la tercera persona del singular:
can come with you.
can do it tomorrow.
4. No admite la partfcula to ni delante ni
can go tonight.
can come at any time.
5. No admite la particula do ni para
interrogar ni para negar:
you come?
they do it?
cannot do it alone.
cannot go there tonight.
6. La forma negativa se puede contraer:
can't, you can't, he can't, we can't, they can't.
1. Tiene unas frases en
forma afirmativa. Oebe ponerlas en interrogativa y negativa.
You can speak four languages. Can you speak four languages?
can't speak four languages.
That little girl can type very well.
I could go shopping with you this afternoon.
We can go on holiday to Salou.
We could go to that supermarket.
5. Mum, you can speak to
the teacher.
The present of Have
I have/I've
You have/you've
He has/he's
She has/she's
It has/it's
We have/we've
You have/you've
They have/they've
I have not/haven't/don't have
You have not/haven't/don't have
He has not/hasn't/doesn't have
She has not/hasn't/doesn't have
It has not/hasn't/doesn't have
We have not/haven't/ don't have
You have not/haven't/don't have
They have not/haven't/don't have
Have l?/Do I have?
Have you?/Do you have?
Has he?/Does he have?
Has she?/Does she have?
Has it?/Does it have?
Have we?/Do we have?
Have you?/Do you have?
Have they?/Do they have?
The present of Have
I have/I've
You have/you've
He has/he's
She has/she's
It has/it's
We have/we've
You have/you've
They have/they've
I have not/haven't/don't have
You have not/haven't/don't have
He has not/hasn't/doesn't have
She has not/hasn't/doesn't have
It has not/hasn't/doesn't have
We have not/haven't/ don't have
You have not/haven't/don't have
They have not/haven't/don't have
Have l?/Do I have?
Have you?/Do you have?
Has he?/Does he have?
Has she?/Does she have?
Has it?/Does it have?
Have we?/Do we have?
Have you?/Do you have?
Have they?/Do they have?
• A veces se dice "I have got" o
"I've got", etc. Es decir, se anade la palabra "got" sin
que por ello se altere el significado.
• El verbo TO HAVE puede ir seguido de un
complemento para referirse a un gran numero de actividades diferentes. El
significado depende de la expresion: en algunos cases have se puede reemplazar
por eat o drink, en otros por take, receive, spend, etc:
have tea at five o'clock.
has coffee for breakfast.
has a shower every day.
boys have a swim every day in summer.
a look at this book!
Jim, have a wash!
• Cuando el verbo have significa "tener"
la interrogación y negation se pueden hacer de dos formas:
you have many brothers? / Have you got many
Does he have a car? / Has he got a car?
• Se suele añadir got al verbo have en
presente. Es completamente opcional, aunque muy comun. Sin embargo, no se anade
en respuestas cortas o en las "coletillas":
you got an ice-cream?" 'Yes, I have."
• Sin embargo, cuando el verbo have se puede
reemplazar por otro verbo: eat, drink, take, etc. entonces la forma negativa e
interrogativa solo se puede hacer de una manera:
you have breakfast in the morning?"
I don't usually have anything to eat in the morning."
she have a holiday?" "No, she doesn't have a
• En estos cases no se puede usar haven't
• Notese tambien que en la forma afirmativa
no se anade "got".
have breakfast / lunch / dinner.
You have a bath / a shower
/ a nap.
1. En este ejercicio tiene
que poner las frases en la otra forma de interrogacion o
Have you got a dog? Do you have a dog?
Does Mr Smith have a large house?
Has Jimmy got a cat?
We haven't got a new car
The dog hasn't got a little house in the garden.
Have you got a sister in New York?
She hasn't got a friend at school.
The children don't have time to play.
2. Ponga estas frases en
forma negativa.
They have dinner at 7. They don't have dinner at seven.
We have coffee after lunch.
They have a house in the country.
She often has a glass of wine.
We have trouble understanding him.
She has a bath in the evening.
We have a good time on Saturday nights.
She has a good husband. .
We have a meal in a restaurant.
They have a day off very often.
I have an intelligent dog. .
We have a quarrel every day.
Have a rest! .
He has a glass of wine with his dinner.
I have a shower every day.
My father has a cup of coffee after lunch every day.
We have many difficulties. .
Have a look at this book! .
18. They have dinner early. .
19. We have a walk every
The present simple
• La forma afirmativa del presente de indicative tiene la misma forma que el infinitive, excepto que normalmente la tercera persona ahade una s.
I work
you work
he/she/it works
we work
you work
they work
I play
you play
he/she/it plays
we play
you play
they play
I watch
you watch
he/she/it watches
we watch
you watch
they watch
Los verbos que terminan en ss, sh, ch, x, o
ahaden es en la tercera persona del singular:
I kiss, he kisses
I watch, he watches
I rush, he rushes
I box, he boxes
I go, he goes
I do, he does
I fish, he fishes
• Cuando un verbo termina en y detras de
una consonante, cambiamos la y en i, y
ahadimos es:
I copy, he copies
I try, he tries
• Sin embargo, los verbos que terminan en y
detras de una vocal siguen la regla general:
I play, he plays
I obey, he obeys
I say, he says
• El present simple se usa para expresar una
accion habitual. For regla general se suele usar
con adverbios o f rases adverbiales tales como:
always, never, often, occasionally, every day,
usually, on Sundays, in winter.
& I always go to Miami in summer.
She never tells me what to do.
We play football every day.
I often speak to her on the phone.
On Sunday afternoons we stay at home.
• Con algunos verbos siempre se usa la forma
habitual, pues no admiten la continua:
I love you.
She likes me.
I believe you.
She feels very well.
I hear noises at night.
He hates you.
I want a little more.
She adores him.
He admires her.
• Con verbos de actividad mental se suele usar
tambien la forma habitual:
Interrogative and negative sentences in the present
I play golf
You play golf
He/she/it plays golf
We play golf
You play golf
They play golf
I do not play golf
You do not play golf
He/she/it does not play golf
We do not play golf
You do not play golf
They do not play golf
Do I play golf?
Do you play golf?
Does he/she/it play golf?
Do we play golf?
Do you play golf?
Do they play golf?
I Recuerde que para interrogar y negar, es decir, para formar frases interrogativas y negativas en
presente de indicative con la mayoria de los verbos (exceptuando to be y los defectives can, could, may, might, must, ought to, should) se usan las particulas do y does, que tambien se llaman auxiliary verbs.
• Estas particulas no se traducen. Solo se usan para indicar que la frase esta, o bien en forma
interrogativa o bien en forma negativa.
• En forma negativa el do not se suele contraer en don't, y el does not en doesn't.
• Does, o doesn't, solo se utiliza para la tercera persona singular.
• Cuando se usa la particula does, el verbo se pone en infinitive, es decir, sin s.
• No se debe confundir el verbo to do (hacer) con la particula do.
Do you come here every day? No, I don't come every day.
Does he drink wine? No, he doesn't drink wine.
What do you do on Sundays? I don't do anything.
Does your brother work very hard? No, my brother doesn't work very much. Yes, he works quite a lot.
Do your children read many books? No, they don't read books. Yes, they read a lot of books.
Respuestas cortas
• Es muy corriente en ingles usar respuestas cortas usando las particulas do y does:
Do you go to the cinema very often? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Does Peter go swimming every day? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Do the children go to school by bus? Yes, they do. No, they don't.
1. Complete las frases con el verbo en la forma correcta.
Example: Children often go to school by bus.
1. Jonathan never__________ to work late, (go)
2. My father sometimes_________ television in the mornings, (watch)
3. It occasionally__________ in summer, but not very often.(rain)
4. We always_____________ English in the English class, (speak)
5. My parents_____________ out to dinner on Saturdays, (go)
6. Mrs Green usually _______________her children good night, (kiss)
7. This soldier never_____________ orders, (obey)
8. Mr Brown__________ to New York about two or three times a year, (go)
9. These people__________ to this place every week, (come)
2. Complete las frases usando uno de los verbos que damos a continuacion:
feel, look, smell, hate, love, like, want, agree, remember, see.
Example: I see Mr Evans every morning on his way to work.
1. She has good memory. She_________ everything.
2. I __________with you about that. You are right.
3. My daughter __________to study at Oxford next year.
4. She_________ getting up early on Monday mornings.
5. I _________very lonely when I am alone.
6. A mother__________ her children very much.
7. That young girl ________very beautiful.
8. This cake __________very good.
9. I _______going for a walk in the country in spring.
3. Elija entre la forma habitual y la forma continua.
Example: Peter and David are playing tennis at five.
Peter and David play tennis every Saturday.
1. My father ___________early every day. (get up)
2. We__________ lunch early today, (have)
3. We__________ Shakespeare at school, (read)
4. We ___________one of Shakespeare's plays at school every day. (read)
5. She never_______________ what to do. (know)
6. My grandparents_____________ in Manchester, (live)
7. I don't understand these people. __________you__________ them? (understand)
8. The water___________ I'll make the tea. (boil)
9. The moon__________ round the earth, and the earth round the sun.(go)
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